809 S. Center Street
Reno,NV 89501
Nearly every Lolita loves a tea party or just a good cup of tea. I recently discovered a place in Reno that has a High Tea every Sunday! Besides thinking that it would make a lovely meet-up spot, I also realized I've discovered a place to get my occasional meat pie or pasty fix. (I love English pastry pie things. I think it goes back to growing up doing booths at Ren Faires. :3 )
The place is known as "The Isles" and is in an old small house, like many businesses in the area. The main shop itself sells various Celtic kitschy things but also does Tea Service and lunch. Mom and I went there for lunch the other day.
The Tea Services are priced for two or four people, but can do larger parties given some advance warning. They use a very nice loose leaf tea in their pots, which is some of the best I've had. Mom and I are planning on trying their Tea Service with a group of friends. (Having a Tea Party, woo.)
But, I'm reviewing their lunch services. (Which we did manage to have tea at, thank you. ;) ) They have seating both inside the small house and out in a small, but very lovely English garden. The lunch was long and leisurely, starting with tea ($2.00), brown bread, and butter. (I will admit that when you say "brown bread" I think of New England Brown Bread, thanks to my Grandmother. This brown bread is Irish brown bread, which is very similar to soda bread and not at all heavy or sweet.)
Mom and I ordered Veggie Curry Pie ($7.25) and Scottish Meat Pie ($6.25) meals, which came with a cole slaw-like salad and a bag of crisps. (Which were awesome.) The meals usually come with beans, but as they'd just finished a festival this last weekend, they were out of stock for about half of their lunch menu. (Which meant no Irn Bru. I was pretty sad about that. XD But the Ginger Beer more than made up for it.)
It was a nice, long, leisurely meal with very good pies in a peaceful garden.
Rating: 4/5 Not perfect, but damn close.
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