Friday, July 16, 2010
Just letting ya'll know I'm working on a tutorial for the budget theme. I'll try to get it done tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
"... And That's a Strapless Backless Classical Little Black Dress"
WOOT, Shock Treatment ref in the title.
So, kicking off the two week budget fest is Polyvore Wednesday. I've been surprisingly busy these last few weeks, so that's why I haven't been updating too often. *bad blogger* :P
So, the idea of these coords is the thought of multiple styles and outfits using one JSK with lots of different accessories. A little black dress, so to say. I used what looks like a simple black JSK , but you could use any brand.
Most of these are summery co-ords. (It's so hot here~ I can;t do wintery coords right now. XD)
A casual Sweet Outfit
Punk! (Which has been a bit of a defunct style lately. When I first discovered lolita, I adored the Punk Coords.)
Gothic (What? I like masks. The idea is wearing it on the hat)
A casual outfit. Intentionally simple.
I get the feeling they all came along as too similar...
So, kicking off the two week budget fest is Polyvore Wednesday. I've been surprisingly busy these last few weeks, so that's why I haven't been updating too often. *bad blogger* :P
So, the idea of these coords is the thought of multiple styles and outfits using one JSK with lots of different accessories. A little black dress, so to say. I used what looks like a simple black JSK , but you could use any brand.
Most of these are summery co-ords. (It's so hot here~ I can;t do wintery coords right now. XD)
A casual Sweet Outfit
Punk! (Which has been a bit of a defunct style lately. When I first discovered lolita, I adored the Punk Coords.)
Gothic (What? I like masks. The idea is wearing it on the hat)
A casual outfit. Intentionally simple.
I get the feeling they all came along as too similar...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Mentionings and Loose Schedules

Random picture that has nothing to do with anything.
I'm sorry I missed the Wednesday co-ord post, but I'm thinking of shifting to every other Wednesday, so I simply don't flood this poor blog with my (obvious) adoration for Polyvore. To go with the theme in the main EGL Community, these next two weeks will focus on the theme "Lolita With a Budget." (I'll give some of my personal tips on how I spend fairly little on my Lolita closet... Considering I think some of Bodyline is pricey, let alone BtSSB and AP. :P I'm so cheap.) I've also been in a major nerdy mode lately and might showcase some prints I'm making for an upcoming con.
I also want to thourally reccomend going and seeing Toy Story 3. Multiple times. (I've seen it twice and want to go again.) I also have been told that Dispicable Me is a cute movie as well. But stick away from The Last Airbender. Mom's a big fan of the series (I'm familiar with it.) and was thourghally dissapointed.
I also want to showcase some of Mom's Steampunk art bracelets as well as my upcoming cosplay plans.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Lolita Review - The Isles Teashop in Reno, NV

809 S. Center Street
Reno,NV 89501
Nearly every Lolita loves a tea party or just a good cup of tea. I recently discovered a place in Reno that has a High Tea every Sunday! Besides thinking that it would make a lovely meet-up spot, I also realized I've discovered a place to get my occasional meat pie or pasty fix. (I love English pastry pie things. I think it goes back to growing up doing booths at Ren Faires. :3 )
The place is known as "The Isles" and is in an old small house, like many businesses in the area. The main shop itself sells various Celtic kitschy things but also does Tea Service and lunch. Mom and I went there for lunch the other day.
The Tea Services are priced for two or four people, but can do larger parties given some advance warning. They use a very nice loose leaf tea in their pots, which is some of the best I've had. Mom and I are planning on trying their Tea Service with a group of friends. (Having a Tea Party, woo.)
But, I'm reviewing their lunch services. (Which we did manage to have tea at, thank you. ;) ) They have seating both inside the small house and out in a small, but very lovely English garden. The lunch was long and leisurely, starting with tea ($2.00), brown bread, and butter. (I will admit that when you say "brown bread" I think of New England Brown Bread, thanks to my Grandmother. This brown bread is Irish brown bread, which is very similar to soda bread and not at all heavy or sweet.)
Mom and I ordered Veggie Curry Pie ($7.25) and Scottish Meat Pie ($6.25) meals, which came with a cole slaw-like salad and a bag of crisps. (Which were awesome.) The meals usually come with beans, but as they'd just finished a festival this last weekend, they were out of stock for about half of their lunch menu. (Which meant no Irn Bru. I was pretty sad about that. XD But the Ginger Beer more than made up for it.)
It was a nice, long, leisurely meal with very good pies in a peaceful garden.
Rating: 4/5 Not perfect, but damn close.
Monday, July 5, 2010
When I started this blog, I mentioned that I would be mentioning geeky things in addition to Loli fashion. This is one of thoses posts. Some of this stuff is major Old News that I've only managed to recently learn about.

I heard there was a Dr. Andonuts door at the Nintendo booth at E3. No one is sure if it's an in-joke by an employee who likes the MOTHER series/EarthBound or if it's an actual hint at something to come. If it is something OMG-worthy, like MOTHER1+2+3/EarthBound 0+1+2 for the DS that's actually coming over to America you'll definitely hear from me about it. But it is also possible it’s just named that for no real reason.
Also some English-language dub audio has been released for Hetalia. It was played this last weekend at Anime Expo at a Funimation panel. The vid has official audio recored during the panel, but it's not an official video.
So, I'm pretty jazzed about the dub now.
Also, over on the Scott Pilgrim vs The World, the avatar maker has a interesting thing. You're given a title-lable-thing and among the list of things like "The Gay Best Friend" and "The Loner" is the label "Gothic Lolita". While there's nothing really... Lolita-worthy in the generator, that's still pretty damn cool.

I heard there was a Dr. Andonuts door at the Nintendo booth at E3. No one is sure if it's an in-joke by an employee who likes the MOTHER series/EarthBound or if it's an actual hint at something to come. If it is something OMG-worthy, like MOTHER1+2+3/EarthBound 0+1+2 for the DS that's actually coming over to America you'll definitely hear from me about it. But it is also possible it’s just named that for no real reason.
Also some English-language dub audio has been released for Hetalia. It was played this last weekend at Anime Expo at a Funimation panel. The vid has official audio recored during the panel, but it's not an official video.
So, I'm pretty jazzed about the dub now.
Also, over on the Scott Pilgrim vs The World, the avatar maker has a interesting thing. You're given a title-lable-thing and among the list of things like "The Gay Best Friend" and "The Loner" is the label "Gothic Lolita". While there's nothing really... Lolita-worthy in the generator, that's still pretty damn cool.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Polyvore Wednesday - Retro Summer
So, summer is officially underway! And now that it's Polyvore Wednesday (again), I'm sharing some cute and summery Retro inspired coords!
Stawberry Picking by lady-bealzabub featuring Forever21 shoes
Sweet, quirky, and simple. I'd only wear this in the heat of summer, (given it's lack of tights or a blouse.) but it's a Country coord without going too OTT sweet. Classic and clean, I love it. Perfect for a picnic!
Another barebones coord, this one goes into outright Retro territory. The dress looks like it'd work with a light poof, and the subdued, more mature nature of the colours makes this a clean, simple outfit perfect for the upcoming summer.
Lemon Sherbert and Cotton Candy by lady-bealzabub featuring Forever21 shoes
A sweet and punchy coord that I just adore. (It's my favourite of today.) This is a sweet as I'm likely to go, but it's sassy and cute. I love the ice-cream earrings and heart glasses, taking a more classic dress and making it a bit more sassy and glamourous. (DAHLING.)
Vintage Summer by lady-bealzabub on
And the last look is a movie star inspired look, again with out the blouse and tights. I just LOVE the hat in this coord and the black colour scheme allows for a more glamourous look, but still have rockin' shades! (I really love the heart sunglasses. :3)
Stawberry Picking by lady-bealzabub featuring Forever21 shoes
Sweet, quirky, and simple. I'd only wear this in the heat of summer, (given it's lack of tights or a blouse.) but it's a Country coord without going too OTT sweet. Classic and clean, I love it. Perfect for a picnic!
Another barebones coord, this one goes into outright Retro territory. The dress looks like it'd work with a light poof, and the subdued, more mature nature of the colours makes this a clean, simple outfit perfect for the upcoming summer.
Lemon Sherbert and Cotton Candy by lady-bealzabub featuring Forever21 shoes
A sweet and punchy coord that I just adore. (It's my favourite of today.) This is a sweet as I'm likely to go, but it's sassy and cute. I love the ice-cream earrings and heart glasses, taking a more classic dress and making it a bit more sassy and glamourous. (DAHLING.)
Vintage Summer by lady-bealzabub on
And the last look is a movie star inspired look, again with out the blouse and tights. I just LOVE the hat in this coord and the black colour scheme allows for a more glamourous look, but still have rockin' shades! (I really love the heart sunglasses. :3)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Summer Lovin'

Pardon the Grease reference in the title. ^__^
So it's almost July and where I live, it is HOT. :P Desert heat is some of the worst, so what is a loli in 100+˚F to do?!
Here's some tips:
- Lose some layers. Yes, you may end up breaking a few rules of lolita fashion, but I'd personally not get heatstroke.
- Try losing a blouse from under a JSK or even gong without bloomers. Try to lose alot of the bulk that this fashion seems to collect.
- If you wear multiple pettis, go down to just one. Also, look into pettis that are simply very, very full skirts made to add volume.
- Lose the thick printed tights and knee-highs and go for bobby socks or even just lounge around in sandles! (Cute deco toenails optional, but heavily recommended)
- Hike those skirts up! Obviously, not recommended with skirts from AP. (Those are short enough. :P) But if you tend to wear your skirts at your knee or just under, try wearing them a bit higher on your waist.
- Wear a simple headband or small clip-in bows instead of a bonnet or head-eating bow. It's a general idea that smaller, less bulky headwear won't trap the heat to your head the way something like a bonnet will. The exeption to this rule are, obviously, sun hats. When buying a sunhat, go for a staple colour like black, white, or creme. (It's just easier to coord. :P)
- Stay away from dark colours. Black and deeper colours like to gather heat as it absorbs light. Go for brighter colours. If this is a challange, try using a white or creme shawl or parasol to reflect the suns rays.
- Use your parasol. This is what they're for. Portable shade!
- And don't forget, always-always-always remember your sunscreen. Turning lobster-red is just plain unfabulous! I swear by spf 50 but this fully depend on your skin type. (I don't tan. I burn. Violently.)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Lolita Idols
So, there's this thing going on over on the main Livejournal EGL community to list your lolita style inspirations. While I've only just started wearing it myself, I've been following the fashion off and on since I was about 12 or 13. (So, six or seven years?) So, I do have a lot of the "traditional" lolita idols like Mana and Alice, so I'm going to list my more unorthodox ones. :3 (The two seem a bit
bipolar design-wise, but come from distinctly different parts of my life.)
Tomoe Hotaru (From Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon.)

This ones a bit hard to explain, but I've always loved Hotaru and how she looked. I discovered the character about the time I discovered lolita fashion. She's always drawn wearing dark clothes and looking damn good in them too.
Griddlebone (From the musical CATS.)

I know, I know. But I love Griddlebone to pieces. She's the reason I love the colour pink as much as I do, to be completely honest. Griddlebone is pink and fluffy and proof that if you're going for theatrical, go all the way. (She's also got spunk. Gotta love that.)
bipolar design-wise, but come from distinctly different parts of my life.)
Tomoe Hotaru (From Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon.)

This ones a bit hard to explain, but I've always loved Hotaru and how she looked. I discovered the character about the time I discovered lolita fashion. She's always drawn wearing dark clothes and looking damn good in them too.
Griddlebone (From the musical CATS.)

I know, I know. But I love Griddlebone to pieces. She's the reason I love the colour pink as much as I do, to be completely honest. Griddlebone is pink and fluffy and proof that if you're going for theatrical, go all the way. (She's also got spunk. Gotta love that.)
Polyvore Wednesday - Mme. Phantom
So! The very first Polyvore Wednesday. ... It's an idea to share my general idea of awesome of just some fledgling ideas.

Mme. Phantom by lady-bealzabub on
So, obviously inspired by Phantom of the Opera, which happens to be one of my favourite novels (next to Dorian Gray and House of Leaves....) Also one of my favourite musicals. I've always loved the story and in the depth of my Emo teenage years I very much identified with Erik, the Phantom, himself. I've been listening to the Original Canadian Cast Recording and was also inspired by the latest chandelier print. (Detailed rather nicely over on this F*** Yeah Lolita post. The only time I wish I could fit brand is for that OP. It's Georgous.)
I know that the general large sheets of Rachel lace are not popluar in the Lolita communities, usually connected to cheap, scratchy Ita-tastic...... -ness. But I've grown very fond of the soft sheets of bridal lace and like trying to incorperate things into it. :P Also lace shirts are comfy when made nicely.
And a tophat because tophats are cool. (I'm SUCH a dork.)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Lady B Reporting In!

This is the first post for the official blog of the Indie company, Black Cat Productions.
I really have no idea what to say as of yet but I'm hoping I'll get more used to the idea of blogging.
So, hi!
I'm the main blogger and gamer/lolita/gyaru end of BCP. I usually go by Lady B or my real name Nova G.
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